13th Annual Clean Water Project
The Sophomore class took part in the 13th Annual Clean Water Project, and raised —- for World Vision!
Students started their study of water in Biology class this fall with water quality testing at the Sycamore Creek. This was followed by studying ecology, viruses and bacteria, and learning more about the dependence on water and the lack of access to clean water that many in the world face today. Children around the world die from viral and bacterial diseases they contract from their drinking water. (It has not gone unnoticed how blessed we are. The very classroom in which they learned about the issue has seven sinks with safe tap water. That’s almost one sink for every three students!) For this reason, the Sophomores are partnering with World Vision to help ensure that everyone has access to safe, clean drinking water.
Following their studies in Biology, the Sophomores then created fliers, posters, and videos in English class to explain the problem and how people can help. Students took turns carrying a gallon jug of water for 24 hours to raise awareness of the problem. (Based on their water audit, that one gallon represented less than 1% of the water most of them use in a day.) Then, they sold t-shirts, sweatshirts, baked goods, and handmade items such as stickers, earrings, bracelets, and crocheted stuffed animals at school during lunch. All the money raised through their hard work will be sent to World Vision. They are hopeful to someday work themselves out of a service project as they reach more and more people with clean water.