Discover the Value of Christ-Centered Education

Explore the benefits for your child at LCS, a private Christian school in Lansing, MI.

Inside Your Parent Info Packet You Will Discover:

About The Author

Morbi egestas ultricies est. Proin eu odio nibh. Praesent venenatis mi vitae pharetra porttitor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sed dolor pulvinar, dapibus augue non, tincidunt nibh. Curabitur et elit commodo, dictum diam sed, dapibus enim. Integer et pulvinar leo, condimentum maximus diam. Phasellus imperdiet urna in tortor vestibulum porta eget ac metus.

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  • The foundation of our distinctly Christian framework for education 

  • Highlights from our engaging curriculum at every age and stage

  • Extracurricular and enrichment options for your child

  • What other parents value about our education

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Image of woman holding an iPad and reading the e-book

Families Choose LCS Because:

Don’t Leave Without Your Parent Info Packet!


"...I feel a true partnership with the teachers at LCS and know that my children are learning from the finest educators around. The Christ-based education paired with educators who truly love my children is the greatest blessing for our family."

- Elementary School Parent

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A Safe Environment

From our secure campus to the extra emergency training provided to our staff, we go above and beyond to ensure students are safe (and parents have peace of mind). 

Our Values Align

Christian families can rest assured that the values they teach at home are reinforced in the classroom.

College Prep Academics

We take future planning seriously, with opportunities for students to develop their unique gifts, AP classes, and an intentional guidance program.

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3405 Belle Chase Way
Lansing, Michigan 48911

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