
Head of School Communication

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!” – 2 Corinthians 5:17

On this Easter Monday, our hope in Jesus Christ calls us to live fully into the reality of Christ’s resurrection and His promise to make all things new in the days and weeks ahead. 

As we start up school again this week, we want to thank you again for your partnership as we continue our remote learning plan through the end of the school year. Your feedback through surveys implemented prior to spring break has helped us to adapt our school-wide learning plan in a manner we hope will support your family’s unique situation at home as we navigate varying circumstances due to the pandemic.

We also want to communicate that LCS will work with families that, due to circumstances directly related to COVID-19, need financial assistance with tuition payments. Please contact director of business and finance, Mary Dunsmore at These emergency funds are available to families that are currently unable to make tuition payments due to specific conditions related to COVID-19. 

Written by: Wendy Hofman, Head of School