PreK-12 students at LCS participate in weekly music classes as well as many performance opportunities throughout the year, including concert and marching bands, choirs, and musical productions.

School Musical
Each spring, LCS students perform in an annual musical, where middle and high school students have the opportunity to sing and act, as well as contribute to the production with set builds, design, and behind-the-scenes support. This performance is a well-loved tradition that began at LCS in the 1960’s and continues through today.

Choir & Band Concerts
Middle and High School choirs and bands perform concerts for the school and the Greater Lansing community throughout the year. A highlight is our annual Christmas concert, where middle and high school choirs and bands perform; this concert includes a singing of the “Hallelujah Chorus,” where alumni, parents, staff, and the high school choirs join together in song.

Festivals and clinics provide an opportunity for band and choir students to improve their musicianship and hear other bands from the region perform. The LCS High School Chorale and LCS Wind Ensemble and Concert Band (7th-12 grades) perform at festivals-clinics throughout the year, where they receive onsite evaluations and work with clinicians to improve performance based on feedback.

Talent Nights
Middle and high school students showcase their talents in two delightful nights: Middle School Spotlight Night and High School Talent Night. Students sing and play their own original music, choirs perform, and the audience is entertained by unique and fun performances, such as when the Carol of the Bell was performed…on kazoos!

Yearly Theme Song
Each year, LCS has an original theme song to complement the yearly theme. Written by music teacher Peter O’Neill and sung by elementary students at chapels and events throughout the year, each year this song becomes a meaningful part of community worship at LCS.