Are you interested in serving on the Board of Trustees? The Board of Trustees is made up of nine Association Members who are nominated by the Board and elected by the Association at the Spring Association Meeting held each May.
What kind of board is it?
The Board of Trustees is a fiduciary board which governs by policy. The Board approves all strategic plans and works to ensure that Lansing Christian School is achieving its mission. The Board holds the Head of School accountable for advancing the strategic plan and all operational decisions. There is a clear distinction between the governance role of the Board and the management role of the Head of School.
What kinds of decisions does the Board make?
The role of the Board is to look outward and to focus on strategic decisions that will affect the viability and legacy of the school. The primary responsibility of the Board is to employ and evaluate a Head of School who successfully advances the mission of the school. It is also the responsibility of the Board to approve a long-term strategic plan and to approve strategic initiatives each year.
How does a board member get elected and what is the commitment?
Interested persons are asked to fill out an application which is then reviewed by the Board. Talking with individuals interested in serving and inviting them to fill out applications occurs in the fall and winter of the year. By early spring, the Board has a slate of 3 to 6 nominees that will be voted upon at the Spring Association Meeting in May. Each board member serves a three year term. The terms are staggered to promote continuity. The Board meets once a month. Board members also serve on task forces from time to time and participate in retreats as needed.
Are there books that I can read to learn more?
Mission-Directed by Len Stob provides an excellent overview of what a healthy board looks like and how it works. Mr. Stob worked with the Board of Trustees from 2011 to 2014 as the governance structure was revised and policies were rewritten. For general insights on healthy private school boards, Learning from the Best: Growing Greatness in the Christian School by Gene Frost is an excellent resource.
The Trustees represent a variety of backgrounds, drawn together by a common desire to use their gifts and abilities to advance the mission of Lansing Christian School for the glory of God. If you’d like to continue to learn more, please contact the President of the Board.