Nurse Team – COVID-19 Response
by Bonnie Binioris, Athletic Director/Health and Safety Coordinator
During a typical school year, medical needs at LCS range from the basics such as supplying Band-Aids for scraped knees, ice for bruises and bumps, distributing students’ medications per their doctor’s orders, and communicating with families on the health and well-being of their child. This has largely been a task of the office staff.
Operating a school during the COVID-19 global pandemic is uncharted territory. LCS brought on a team of school nurses to have a voice in the policy-making process when it comes to health and safety protocols and provide care for the typical medical needs. These nurses have an important role in our ability to provide in-person academic instruction, five days a week, to the students of Lansing Christian School. Amy Adams, Rachelle Crawford, and Michelle Heriford work diligently to educate children and families about COVID-19 and the importance of healthcare, hygiene, and mitigation strategies. Our school nurses research and communicate current policy and best practices as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and the Ingham County Health Department, and make the information easily accessible to the Lansing Christian community.
Our nurses provide critical support to students, families, and Lansing Christian staff as we navigate such a unique school year. Thank you, nurses!