LCS Stories

The Dale Family

How many children do you have at LCS and what grade(s) are they in?
We have two daughters at LCS; they are in 4th and 9th grade.

What do you value about LCS?
There is so much we appreciate about LCS. I value the individualized attention our children receive and that each is seen for the unique talents and gifts they possess. I love the way LCS encourages our children to seek out and understand God’s will for their lives.

We chose LCS because we knew the school to be a trusted partner. We knew that the mission and vision of LCS mirrored what we are teaching our children at home and we also knew that our daughters would receive a world-class education that would prepare them for their post K-12 academic careers.

In what ways have you seen your children grow in their faith as a result of their experience at LCS?
I have seen our children grow in maturity in their understanding of who they are and who God is. As a family, we have grown our Christian community because of LCS; we are seen and known and have developed friendships that will last a lifetime.

How is LCS preparing your child for the future?
Our children are not only benefiting from the quality education, but they are also learning to think critically about their relationship to their Heavenly Father and their place in building His Kingdom.

What would you say to someone considering LCS?
LCS is synonymous with excellence. Excellence in academics, athletics, and extracurriculars – it is an investment that you can have confidence in in a world marked by uncertainty.