
Developing Resilience

Resilience is a life skill. Developing resilience is about seizing opportunities and experiences for students to try and fail, learn from their mistakes, and try again. It is about helping students respond to challenges and setbacks in a manner that develops persistence.

I am so proud of the way our students are developing and demonstrating resiliency during this challenging time. Resilience is like a muscle. We get stronger by using it in small measures, consistently, over time. We are all developing a new level of resilience right now, and we can play an important role in helping our children and young people grow in their resilience too. 

Here are some of the ways that LCS students are developing resilience:

  • Making connections and providing encouragement to others via technology
  • Helping family members at home 
  • Maintaining a daily routine and finding a special place to work and learn at home 
  • Taking breaks and finding enjoyment in unstructured time
  • Taking care of yourself and having fun
  • Moving toward your goals
  • Developing a new skill or just getting better at something you love to do
  • Learning that change is part of living 

Thank you, Lord, that you are bigger than our circumstances. You hold the whole world in your hands. Help us grow in our resilience while we also grow in our daily dependence on you. 

Written by Wendy Hofman, Head of School