
LCS 2020-2021 Reopening Plan

Letter from Wendy Hofman, Head of School

At Lansing Christian School, our vision calls us to equip young men and women to engage and transform the world for Jesus Christ. Our core values direct us to pursue excellence, cultivate Christian community, partner with parents, and glorify God in all of life. We also believe that Christian education is formative. It shapes and forms us to be people who love God, and love our neighbor, as the very foundation for our engagement with the world.

Cultivating meaningful relationships and an inherent sense of belonging is best accomplished when we are with our students. Christ-centered learning happens best through in-person learning opportunities to practice the habits of faith and live out our faith with others.

While LCS is prioritizing in-person learning, we have also developed a whole school remote learning plan to support continuity of learning for individual students, classes, or the whole school due to transmission of the virus, required school closure, or family medical concerns. In short, LCS is prepared to move to remote learning if necessary.

LCS is deeply committed to the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being of our students and staff. That is why our Reopening Plan follows the guidance we have received from the Ingham County Health Department, Michigan’s Return to School Roadmap, and the CDC’s Interim Guidance for Administrators of US Schools.

We began the work of reopening school for 2020-2021 in May. As we began to review the guidance from health experts, we recognized that LCS has many advantages.

  • Our campus facility will accommodate all of our students on campus at the same time while also adhering to physical distancing recommendations.
  • Our student to teacher ratio is (14:1)
  • We have also developed schedules and daily routines that support elementary, middle, and high school students functioning in similar groupings (cohorts) throughout the day to minimize the number of students an individual comes into physical contact with each day.
  • LCS has separate ventilation units in every classroom, facing outside, which allows fresh air to circulate in all of our classrooms throughout the day.
  • The LCS campus resides on acres of beautiful property, including woods and newly designed trails and shaded areas, ideal for outdoor learning and engagement with student and families.

Returning to school will bring challenges. As we work together to support a learning environment where students created in the image of God can flourish physically, academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually, we will be called to extend trust and care to one another in new ways. Living and learning in Christian community and loving our neighbor will take on a practicality that requires full participation. We may be required to put aside our personal preferences out of our commitment to the larger, common good. 2020-2021 will truly be a community effort.

Thank you for your partnership and for your support.

With hope in God,

Wendy Hofman, Head of School

Click here for a printable version of the 2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN


▶ Head of School Letter ▶ Priorities▶ Health & Safety▶ Protocols▶ Health
Decision Matrix
▶ Routines -Elementary▶ Routines -MS/HS▶ Remote
Learning Plan
▶ Remote
Learning FAQ
▶ Athletics
▶ Social/Emotional▶ Questions▶ Resources▶ Reopening
Plan Team