LCS Stories

Brooklyn – 6th Grade

What is your current grade?
I am in 6th grade and started attending LCS in 3rd grade.

What do you like about LCS?
I love LCS because I can openly practice and share my faith with other followers of Christ. Chapel is also a big favorite for me. I think it’s so cool to see a large group of kids worship and praise the Lord. I also love LCS because everyone is friendly, kind, and shows God’s love to each other.

What is your favorite subject in school?
My favorite subject is Bible because I love learning about different stories from Scripture. I also love Language Arts because I really enjoy reading and writing stories with my friends.

How do you know your teachers care about you?
One way my teachers show they care about me is how they say hello, or wave to me, in the hallways. Also, they always encourage me and motivate me to do hard things at school.

What is an area you’ve grown in at LCS?
Something I’ve learned is how to do ratios and to do long division better. Something else I’ve learned was about the story of Mary anointing Jesus, which is definitely one of my favorite stories in the Bible. I’ve learned to follow God’s path and to trust the path he has for me.

Why do you think kids should come to LCS?
The best thing about LCS is that it’s a Christian-based school. We are able to learn more about God and pray with others on a daily basis. I think kids should come to LCS because they can learn to practice their faith and to serve the Lord. They’ll also meet some fantastic friends!